RE: [Epic] My Epic weekend

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 10:28:46 +0930


the deathstrikes are being painted for the next engagement.

In the final battle against this army I mounted a vortex missle on the
Reaver and stuck it to him. Unfortunately he really liked vortexes as well
and will probably use them against me.

The vulnerability of an army that relies heavily on expensive assets is the
lack of large numbers. only 4 detachments listed there; 2 only have 1 unit
in them and another only has 3. And all of those are war engines. So, what
kills war engines? Eldar disruption cannons or IG deathstrike missile
launchers. Both of these items are highly vulnerable to assaults, but it
doesn't sound like this army would be assaulting, just sitting back.
 Deathstrikes really answer that problem, the only weapon in E40K that
still has unlimited range (other than fliers). Show him what half-a-dozen
vortex missiles can do to ruin his day and watch him bring in larger
detachments next time that won't be eaten alive by one vortex warp barrage!

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Received on Tue Sep 30 1997 - 00:58:46 UTC

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