Re: [Epic] Warlock Titan weapons

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 23:10:42 -0500 (EST)

At 12:07 PM 2/5/97 +1100, you wrote:
>> > Good point. It mentions that psi-cannons ignore armour and shields, but
>> > not clear!
>> What part isn't clear? If it specifically stats "ignores shields",
>> doesn't it then ignore shields? Not only does it ignore shields, it
>> "makes a mockery of even the heaviest armour and shields as it passes
>> straight through".
>Yes, it does say exactly that, but remember that in GW rules, weapons are
>described by a paragraph of "fluff", followed by the actual rules. That
>sentence appears in the "fluff" paragraph. Later, in the "rules" part they
>emphasize that no armour save is allowed, and point out that psykic saves
>are allowed, but makes no mention of what the effect of void shields is.
>As you pointed out, the psi-lance "makes a mockery of even the heaviest
>armour", however we know that GW
>would describe any weapon like this if they thought we'd swallow it! (Check
>ou the description of the boltgun in 40k - what a cack!).
>It just occurred to me, though, that it might be mentioned in th TL rules
>under void shields and psykic attacks, anyone know?

As per normal GW it never really states anything. It says a model with
intact void or Power fields roll a d6 when attacked by psychic powers. 1-3
psychic affect in nullified 4-6 the power penetrates. Then it gives a not
about psychic bolts using psychic energy to manipulate reality and produce
physical attacks. But never really says anything aboutthe eldar psychic
lance. According to fluff here it would pass through all armour and shields
but shields would also recive thier normal roll for psychic attacks.

here's my thougths on it. As close as I can tell by the wordings the
shields and fields would recive the normal d6 roll. My experiance with GW
people is this: It goes through the fields or shields without any problems.
At the US games day on the Epic bring and battle field there were a ton of
Eldar Warlock titans with Psylance's And on every one, I was at the table
the both days all day, They went right through the shields. I know, anyone
who was there can tell you, the moderator really does not do much but the
ones he was paying close attention to he had the psi lance go straight on
through. I wish it didn't, my nasty CC titan kept getting his CAF halved by
those dumb things.

                                                        Timothy J. Kilgore
Received on Wed Feb 05 1997 - 04:10:42 UTC

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