Re: [Epic] Eldar Army

From: Max Maynard-Maloney <dormammu_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 02:08:56 -0700 (PDT)

> 1) Highest init will fire first
> > 2) If tied then you *will* alternate
> > 2a) the first shot will go to the one on intercept
> Almost - should be:
> 2) If tied, all on Intercept orders fire first.
> 3) If tied and on the same orders, alternate in order of who has the
> higher strategy rating.
Getting closer. It should be:

3) If tied and on the same orders, alternate beginning with the player who
won initiative (presumably for the movement phase).


"Run, humans! Run for your sweaty lives! Run till you hearts burst and
your lungs collapse! You cannot run away from ME! Everything that is,
IS MINE!" --the dread Dormammu, Doctor Strange #9
Received on Thu Oct 02 1997 - 09:08:56 UTC

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