RE: [Epic] 'Nids 'Nids 'Nids

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 09:33:50 -0700

>Scott Shupe wrote:
>> > Also, well, on my tables 110 cm will not make it to the other side in
>> > one turn. (4' x 8', played the "long way")
>> You don't feel that playing the long way alters
>> the balance of the game? I know it would for SM/TL.
>I have always played wargames the long way.
>If which way you have the table set up effects the balance of the game, well,
>there is a problem with the game rules.

------> It's not neccessarily the rules. With modern/historical games,
sure, everyone
has pretty comparable weapon ranges, but in 40K etc table size can be a
advantage/disadvantage for a given army based on their quantity of
ranged units vs
HTH units.
        Terrain set-up can affect any game rather severely. Lots of terrain
-favors infantry
, more open areas favors tanks. Think "desert" vs "urban".

        This said, if you play one way or the other consistently, at least you
can determine
effectiveness over time. On a narrow table, you tend to see much less
use of transport
vehicles (rhinos), while on a long-ways table, they may show up for
almost every unit.
In my experience, Marines & IG are more than willing to go with a long
table, while Orks
and sometmes Chaos get easily screwed.

Chris Miller

Received on Thu Oct 02 1997 - 16:33:50 UTC

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