Re: [Epic] Epic 41K Rule changes

From: Eugene Earnshaw-Whyte <eug_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 00:16:13 -0700

J. Michael Looney wrote:

> With the exceptions of Eldar and the bugs, it is assumed that a
> "tactical" squad has at least one heavy weapon in the squad, either a
> rocket launcher or some sort of cannon, so we are not just talking small
> arms fire. In fact that is what the majority of the fire power of the
> squad is, being as how bolters only have a 15 cm range. A squad with
> "Heavy Weapon" ,of course, has several of these things.
> Things that I am thinking about for fliers in general:
> 1) allow them 1 turn of up to 90 degrees, at some point in there flight
> path. This will help a lot with avoiding snap fire.
> 2) Restrict snap fire vs. flyers to FLAK units and HEAVY WEAPON units,
> with FLAK units having a "normal" range and HEAVY WEAPON units having a
> 10 cm range.

I think either of these options would do fine; I'm not sure which I prefer (perhaps I'll
have to try them out! )

Although, I think that Flak units should just have the 10cm for snap fire (probably),
remember that they still get their special attack against the flyers, which now have to
follow through on their attack runs.

Incidentally, would you think that, in the interests of convenience, Flyers that are
driven off become immune to further fire, or whether they should, instead, still have to
cross the rest of the map, perhaps allowing the opposition further chances to shoot them


> --
> Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
> --
> Geek code: GAT d-- s:-- a C+++ UL++ P+ L++ !E- W+++ N++ o K++ w+++ !o
> !M-- !V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t++ 5+ X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI++++ D G++ e+
> h---(*)
> r+++ y+++(**)
Received on Fri Oct 10 1997 - 07:16:13 UTC

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