[Epic] Ork Artillery -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:40:07 +0000

I'm not overly familiar with the old Epic rules or figure ranges but do the
Orks have/ or have had in the past ANYTHING with a range of greater
than 45cm ( apart from 2 Cruiz Missles on a Mega Gargant ). It just seems
to me to be an orky sort of thing - big siege guns. I can just imagine a
mekboy drooling away as he sees a Big Bertha style railway gun.


All the ranges for this version of epic were reduced. 45cm seems to be
equivalent to the SM/TL 75cm range.
Very few Ork units had even this range, most were about 50cm, which
seems to be equivalent to 30cm now.
However there were a few longer range units.
Braincrushers, a battlewagon with a Big gun on it. Used to be 100cm
Shokk Attack Guns - range was unlimited.
Mekboy Doomdiver Magna cannon - original Ork AA device - range was
also unlimited.
  I think that's the lot apart from a few Gargant weapons. The belly gun had
a 100cm range, as did the Deth Kannon that was fitted to the Slasher
Gargants, some of the Mega gargants weapons, besides the Krooze
Missuls were also long ranged.

Hope this helps
Received on Fri Oct 17 1997 - 11:40:07 UTC

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