Re: [Epic] Detachment

From: Colen McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:22:01 +0100

Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly about
[Epic] Detachment:
>Good Point.
>However (and you thought you were going to get away with it), I don't see
>Marine Commanders giving a damn about how much something costs. The
>important factors are getting the job done and doing so without putting
>marines at risk. A marine is a much more valuable commodity than a vehicle.
>Surely, marines would get what ever equipment they wanted and with the
>minimum of fuss. Imperial Guard are a different matter, equipment is more
>important to them than men are.
>Eldar would probably be in the same boat as the marines. Each life lost
>would be tragedy.
>Remember, Marines are virtually a law unto themselves.

Yes, I remember a bit of fluff with 5 Assault Marines taking out a
traitor fort crewed by at least 30 traitor imperial guardsmen. The
loyalist IG commander was reprimanded for suggesting that reinforcements
might be needed.

<emblem of Slaanesh>

'Mad Dog' McAlister And The Cats, 'Jo', 'Fat Smudge' and 'Stac'
    /\          Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
   /--\           Keeper of the Unholy Keys, Lord of the
    ||          Third Realm, Founder of N.A.S.A. (National
    ||   |\        Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F member
 /--  ---- \        and chosen of the Chaos Gods, AKA
 \--  ---- /       Brother Morgan who wields the Blade
    | |  |/   of Immortals, Member of the Twisted Brotherhood
    \-/                 colen_at_...
Received on Thu Oct 16 1997 - 15:22:01 UTC

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