Re: [Epic] Maybe a dumb question, but ...

From: Colen McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:46:33 +0100

Woofer <ss52dlh_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly about
[Epic] Maybe a dumb question, but ...:
>Hypothetical : A Tyranid brood consists of six Dactylis' and
>eight Bivores. All fire at one of my detachments. The Dacs can
>cover a total of fouteen of my stands with templates giving
>two BM's. How many BM's do I take off the Biovores ?

2 for the number of SHW firing, then roll a dice for each Biovore- fir
every 4+ you take a BM, re-rolls for overwatch apply. And yes, they can
be stupidly effective.

<emblem of Slaanesh>

'Mad Dog' McAlister And The Cats, 'Jo', 'Fat Smudge' and 'Stac'
    /\          Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
   /--\           Keeper of the Unholy Keys, Lord of the
    ||          Third Realm, Founder of N.A.S.A. (National
    ||   |\        Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F member
 /--  ---- \        and chosen of the Chaos Gods, AKA
 \--  ---- /       Brother Morgan who wields the Blade
    | |  |/   of Immortals, Member of the Twisted Brotherhood
    \-/                 colen_at_...
Received on Tue Oct 21 1997 - 10:46:33 UTC

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