RE: [Epic] Deadly Eldar>Chaos!

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 13:24:08 -0500

> I used a detachment of 5 Bloodthirsters in my 5000 pt battle
>against Erik Rutins a few months back. It did OK, I think they're
>almost worth having for the shock value ("50 assault?!? And how
>fast!?!"). Initially the 'thirsters were set up across from some
>massed eldar formations that Erik *refused* to move towards my
>daemon horde, =( so I rerouted them over to the middle of the table
>where Erik only had a SM armor detachment mixed in with an IG armor
>detachment and a Warlord titan (opposing my Warlord, Reaver, and
>cultist support platforms). The 'thirsters pounced on the last of
>the SM tanks, killed everything they got their hands on, and then
>got broken in the firefight with the leman russes. They fell back
>and the game ended. I game away from that game with a real
>appreciation for how much daemons (both kinds) *suck* when
>assaulting defensive positions by their lonesome (not just because
>of my experience with the 'thirsters, I also had other daemon
>detachments in that game).

-----> Yep, that's pretty typical for the HTH/short ranged monsters:
People steer clear of them as much as possible while dumping
all kinds of fire on them...whatever game you're playing. A lot of times
the trick is finding out at what point your opponents crosses his
"danger threshold" as in "those units are too powerful to ignore" and
I'm pretty sure 25 B-thirsters is over evryone's limit. Apparently, 5
is over some people's... : )

Chris Miller
Received on Fri Oct 24 1997 - 18:24:08 UTC

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