RE: [Epic] Deadly Eldar>Chaos!

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 12:56:05 -0600

>I've been refraining from mentioning it, but "Blood Thirsters" are Greater
>daemons, and 25 of them would cost so much that I know you're talking about
>"Blood Letters" - the lesser daemon of Khorne.
>(I have 50 15mm lead orcs which I use as bloodletters or trolls - although I
>never field more than three detachments of either - or of anything else for
>that matter - at a time 'cause it violates my personal "rule of cheese" that
>"more than three's cheese...")

-----> Nope, that's 'Thirsters comma Blood and they aren't much more
than LR's I believe. _I_ wouldn't take 25 of them, but if the lists
allow it, you know
someone out there will do it.
        And sometimes it's fun to see exactly how the rules break...

Chris Miller
Received on Mon Oct 27 1997 - 18:56:05 UTC

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