RE: [Epic] old blisters, stuff

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 13:16:19 -0600

>One was a Stompa (lead, I think) in a Titan blister. From what I've
>heard about old blisters, and from the cracked plastic, I imagine
>that there were probably some small bits in with the guy that have
>since fallen out or been removed. (The plastic Stompas I've already
>go look better, but at least he's a little different, and variety is
>a good thing for Orks, of course.) Anybody know whether there used
>to be something in the thing, so I can feel sorry for myself?
>("Oh, yeah, Andy, that's too bad. That blister used to have an entire
>Ork army in it, with all kinds of rare miniatures. Amazing how they
>got all that in one blister. Tons of unique, hand-crafted units. The
>blister always went for $500 at auctions, but only if everything was
>there. The Stompa was just thrown in as an extra. Too bad that's the
>only thing left." Sob.)
-----> I have one of those, and I don't recall it having any add-on

>There was a Squat blimp. (Can't remember what it's called--Overlord?)
>I got it just 'cause it looks neat. I really shouldn't have bought
>this, even at half off. But if anyone is looking for one, let me know.
-----> SHHHHH! Don't let the squat players hear you calling it a

        Chris Miller
Received on Mon Oct 27 1997 - 19:16:19 UTC

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