"Kelley, Kevin J., JCS" <kevin.kelley_at_...> came forth and
spoke thusly:
>I was up in Md in the Glen Burnie area over the weekend and stopped in
>the GW mail order & "bits" store. On the shelf they had "lots" of the
>plastic Mega-Gargants and Imperator (the ones with the towers) Titans
>for sale in the box still shrink wraped for $10.00 each. (got two)
>Also a whole rack of the Epic "sea battles" game (I think it is set in
>the warhammer as opposed to 40k universe) but had the boxes of the orks
>riding some flying beast (Wyvern?) .
Man O' War. The scale is smaller than Epic. The models you refer to can
be used as Ork Cyber-Wyvern riders.
Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance) and R'n'F Member.
Find me at http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen or by e-mail
at colen_at_.... NASA lives at nasa_at_b.d.c.u.
Received on Mon Nov 03 1997 - 22:44:03 UTC