Re: [Epic] Eldar Infantry Detachment

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 11:52:13 +0000

Carl Billen <billlenc_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:

>Main Force (100 pts) :
> Eldar Guardians (2 units) + Warlock -> 26 pts
> Eldar Guardians (2 units) + Warlock -> 26 pts
> Eldar Guardians (2 units) -> 16 pts
> Eldar Guardians (2 units) -> 16 pts
> Eldar Guardians (2 units) -> 16 pts
>Support Force (125 pts) :
> Wraithguard Squad -> 19 pts
> Howling Banshees -> 10 pts
> Howling Banshees -> 10 pts
> Dreadnoughts (2 units) -> 56 pts
> Support Platform Battery (2 units) -> 30
>Command Force (75 pts) :
> Farseer (HQ) -> 75 pts
Jack of all trades...
>Furthermore, what is the primary use for Guardians (besides being souped-up
>Gretchin ?). They have a high FP, but a short range, so they don't seem
>practical for defensive purposes... When put in a Wave Serpent/Falcon,
>they can be used offensively, by jumping out when in firing range. But
>what is their use when they don't have a transport ?

Firefight screens.

Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), Editor of the Chaos
Wastes Weekly, a NetCampaign Newspaper, and an R'n'F Member.
         You can find me at:          | "At any time, at | any place, our snipers
      colen_at_...      | can drop you. Have a
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Received on Wed Nov 12 1997 - 11:52:13 UTC

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