Sv: [Epic] Shields

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 21:14:01 +0100

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister wrote:
> Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:
> >Naah, shot hits the shield, causes a power surge that trips a breaker on
> >shield generators(or in the case of orks, blows up the shield generator)
> >Because the Imperator is bigger, it needs more power for shields, and
> >is easier to trip the switch. Being bigger doesn't mean you have better
> >wiring, just more rooms for more power generators for more shields.
> So why aren't shields restored automatically each turn? Oh, I get it,
> they need to do an hour-long ritual to un-trip the switch, as well as
> bathing it in sacred oils, blessing it in the name of the Machine God,
> etc.
> Colen

Yeah, get it man!
The stupid Imperial scum! >:-p

Jon "The Psyker" Nielsen

This is Lameth, The Dark Messiah, signing off
Received on Thu Nov 13 1997 - 20:14:01 UTC

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