Re: [Epic] Article in CJ 20

From: Max Maynard-Maloney <dormammu_at_...>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 14:35:40 -0800 (PST)

> Someone has this article (taken from CJ20)
> EPIC 40,000 - THE DIRECTORS CUT (by Jervis Johnson)
> Do you know these rules ??
They go like this:

Infantry units that finish the movement phase in base contact with a
friendly armored vehicle unit or war engine are allowed to use it to
provide cover against enemy fire that would have to go over or past the
vehicle or war engine to hit the stand. Note that only armored vehicles
provide cover; bikes, buggies or land speeders, for example, will not!

Infantry hiding behind a vehicle receive a +1 armor bonus, and if the
enemy wish to be able to hit them at all they must choose to use the
'target in cover' line of the Firepower Table before working out how many
dice they are allowed to roll.

There is another advantage to having infantry moving close behind armored
units, and that is that they can provide support against enemy units
making assaults. To reflect this, if an enemy unit attacks a vehicle that
has a friendly infantry unit in support (ie, in base contact), then the
infantry unit adds its Assault Factor to the close combat, not just +1 for
being in support, even if there are no enemy units attacking it directly.
In addition, the opposing player may not allocate a close combat hit
against the vehicle unless he has first used a hit against the supporting
infantry. (Are all you listees ready for Land Raiders supported by

Here is an ASCII diagram in case you are confused, where the Ps=Predator,
the Ms=Marine stand and the Os=Ork stands.


                PP O
                PP O
              MMMMM O

If the top Ork stand shoots at the Predator and Marines, it must use the
'in cover' line for determining Firepower and the Marines' Armor value
would be raised to 6 (5+1 for the Predator). The Orks to the right could
fire without penalty because they have a direct line to the Marine stand.


"Run, humans! Run for your sweaty lives! Run till you hearts burst and
your lungs collapse! You cannot run away from ME! Everything that is,
IS MINE!" --the dread Dormammu, Doctor Strange #9
Received on Sat Nov 15 1997 - 22:35:40 UTC

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