Re: [Epic] Epic40K boxed armies?

From: Michael Guenther <falshire_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 13:09:07 -0500

> From: Dirk Vormann <>
> To: space-marine_at_...
> On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Neil R. Thomason wrote:
> > >> 1 Space Marine 1200pt force, 1 Ork Vee-hicle force. --MDMc
> >
> > Without wishing to promote these sets, I'll just mention they're
> > the only way to get the new Objective miniatures - that is, miniatures

What objective miniatures are we talking about?

Did I miss something?

Michael Guenther
"Don't lie to me Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"
Member: DNRC, Buckeye-For-Life #1, Jordanite, PITAS, Fumbler, etc.
FuH exfe94 a++ Ifte lus r- ps bs- t- C++ w+ p2 LF!
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Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 18:09:07 UTC

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