[Epic] I'm to sexy for my Warlord

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 09:07:03 +1030

Hiya all,

I am still smiling about this.

Would it be considered undignified for the Princep to do a touchdown dance in the control chamber :)

BTW, I really like the idea of a shrine to my Warlord.

Did I tell everyone how much I like TOASTED CHEESE sandwiches. Get it ?? Toasted Cheese, toast, Hmmmm.

Hey Alun, when are you going to do the battle report.

Cheers. Chris.

Especially when someone rolls a 6 for the number of shots and then 3 lots of
9, a couple of 4's and a 5 on criticals. Ouch !!!!
But revenge is a dish best served cold. My Cyclops for my Squats should
arrive tomorrow. Hellfury Cannon D3+3 Death Rays per turn with a range of
60. Now thats so cheesy I'd call it Chedder. But I would never use more than
one and then only in 2000 pt plus games.

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Received on Mon Nov 17 1997 - 22:37:03 UTC

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