[Epic] Sv: Basing Eldar (Was: Selling Eldar minis.)

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 22:31:58 +0100

: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister asked:
> How are you re-basing the minis?

I never glued my minis to their old bases, just stuck them
in the holes, and I did'nt add sand to the bases either, so
they come off easy. Most of my minis however, I
just replace with new ones (I have a lot of
unpainted minis). I give most attention to the
Adspect Warriors and tanks. I still use all the old minis
and will do for some time.

By the way:
Just came bact from a 2500 pt. battle.
Eldar vs. S.M.
One special rule: 2000-2100 pt. had to be Titans!

I fieldet 2 Phantoms, 2 Warlocks and 3 Revanants.
He had 1 Imperator and 2 Warlords
(and 1 Ordinatus Vortexus Cheesus...).

I won!!!

Eldar titans are better than Imperial, I feel.
The Revanant even more so. They are quite hard to kill.

He had 2 vortex missiles plus those on the ordinatus!,
but they did'nt do much good. The holofield realy is
a marvelus invention. The field also came to great effect
in CC, where a lone Revanant held a Warlord with
a chainfist at bay for three turns, untill my Phantoms
and Warlocks could finish off the Imperial scum.
The Imperator killed two of my big ones in one turn! but
I got him in the end. The Distort Cannon is another
marvelous invention...

Jon "The Psyker" Nielsen

This is Lameth, The Dark Messiah, signing off
Received on Tue Nov 18 1997 - 21:31:58 UTC

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