Re: [Epic] Net Epic

From: Jason Robinson <ewing_at_...>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 15:58:22 +0200 (EET)

On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, Nancy Chang wrote:
> > What about being able to give a fall back order to out of command
> > troops? (I posted about it some days ago) I think fall back orders
> > should be voluntary also, as in Adeptus Titanicus. Troops on fall
> > back would have to move away from the enemy at charge rate, would
> > not be able to shoot and enemies shooting at them would get -1 to hit.
> > Opinions?
> What's wrong with giving a charge order and moving back on your own? I
> don't see why a fallback would grant a -1 to hit while a charge wouldn't.

 Charging is attacking the enemy, fall backing is retreating. Charging
 troops don't have time to use available cover while they run forward,
 but retreating troops do. I know there isn't much difference, but it
 would be neat :) and would add something new to the game. Also,
 tactical retreats would be easier, which would make tactics more

        - Jason
Received on Sun Feb 09 1997 - 13:58:22 UTC

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