[Epic] Final Flyer Formula

From: Kelley, Kevin J., JCS <kevin.kelley_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:25:00 -0500

Formula number 3: This one better accounts for FP and estimates all the
existing flyers within +/- 11%.

Assumptions: The fighta-bomba barrage FP = 2
              The firelord heavy barrage FP = 4
              The "transport" ability is either yes (1)or no (0).
Formula (3) -
Combat Value(CV)= 2.1*(SQRT(Rng*FP)) + 1.1*Int + 1.9*Gun +
                  5.8*Arm + 14.4*T- 13.2
T=1 if it can transport, 0 if not.

Formula number 4: This one accounts for armor, FP and the different
trans capabilities and estimates all the existing flyers within +/- 10%.
Note that I changed the barrage/hvy barrage values. The thought is that
the greater range of the hvy barrage allows a better chance to target
more units, ie there is a better chance with longer range to hit a group
of 3 units that are under the template. It also more closely estimates
the extremes of the range of values, the gargoyle and Thawk. No matter
how you manipulate things the Nightwing and T bolt are data outlyers,
the Nightwing being overpriced, the Tbolt a good buy.

Assumptions: The fighta-bomba barrage FP = 1.5
              The firelord heavy barrage FP = 6
              The transport ability = units/2, ie T=3 for Thawk, T = 2
for Vampire

Formula (4) -
Combat Value(CV)= 2.56*(SQRT(Rng*FP)) + 2.7*Int + 1.2*Gun +
                  .42*(Arm)^2 + 14.4*T/2- 2.5

Note: ^2 means squared, & remember exponentiation before mult.

CV Name Formula 3 CV Form. 4 CV

50 Harridan 54 51
16 Gargoyle 14 15
53 Firelord 48 49
31 DoomWing 30 32
40 Nightwing 36 36
50 Phoenix 48 50
60 Vampire 64 61
30 FightaB 33 31
80 Thawk 76 80
45 Marauder 46 47
30 T Bolt 33 33
Received on Thu Nov 20 1997 - 18:25:00 UTC

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