Re: [Epic] Plastic Warlords

From: Tyler Provick <bprovick_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 18:08:59 -0500

Chris Pinson wrote:

> Hiya
> I find this attitude appalling.
> If I were you I would have pointed out that the Warlords were made by GW
> and if he didn't want you to use them then GW should replace them with the
> new ones for no charge.
> What gives with this company. If they are going to be anal about what
> figures you use then I wouldn't bother playing there. As it is, I find
> going into a GW store a pain in the arse. Their staff are not the most
> interesting of people.
> Cheers, Chris.

I've sometimes considered applying for a position in a GW store in my home city when they
ask. So far there have been no stores opening, and the only Chapter Approved for miles
(Kilometres, I'm in Canada after all) will be my favorite store (They hope to be approved
by Christmas. I know what you are thinking, but they started as an all-purpose rpg store,
and their biggest revenue came from GW. Now, they have the cheapest, and will give you 10%
off any line they do not normally stock, so they're cool) which brings me to why I would
be soon fired.

"What, you can't afford a Warlord, do you have any transformers or lego?"

"Two bucks short, eh? Well check out Smoking Gun Games, everything is cheaper there and
Jeff (The owner) is really nice. Tell him I sent yeah."

"Yes, I am a GW player, I just don't buy anything with my employee discount because SGG is
still cheaper."

I'm not worried about advertising, because WD does it for Jeff. And I've never been told
that a certain copy is the best just because it happens to be the only one they have in
stock. Unlike certain other stores. I'm wondering if we could start a anti-GW commando
group. I know, we'll start a "Player's Company" and steal GW's better employees like in a
William Gibson novel.

Received on Mon Nov 24 1997 - 23:08:59 UTC

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