RE: [Epic] Final Liberation

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 10:48:37 +1030

Hiya all,

yes indeed, it is turn based, but with 2 options.

The first is .. army A moves, shoots etc. army B moves, shoots etc.

The second is .. Army A, Detachment 1 moves, shoots etc. Army B, Det 1, moves shoots etc.

Cheers. Chris.

>Anyway, how does the
>> game actually work? Is it 'you move, I move, you fire, I fire' type
>> thing or what?

>I think its turn based, not like sothr. I have asked around and the
>answer from game was that they haven't got a release date as yet. Pity,
Good. I like turn-based games better- they mean that you don't have to
try and do a million things all at once.

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Received on Tue Nov 25 1997 - 00:18:37 UTC

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