Re: [Epic] Belgium

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 97 10:15:49 EST

At 01:57 AM 12/3/97 PST, you wrote:
>Carl Billen a icrit :
>>> > and Belgium provides the world
>>> >with some of the very best chocolate in the world. :)
>>> And don't forget the "Bande Dessinie" (Strip Cartoon or Comic
>>> ;o)
>>We do ? Gee, I must be a heretic ('cause I find the Japanese Mangas
>>better than any other comics...)
>>But then again, I am a "cultuurbarbaar". (I think you can translate >it
>>"culture barbarian"). Hey, I even like the X-Men !
>>"Ignorant" Carl Billen
>Japonese Mangas are quite good but I prefer Tintin! ;)

Hey, don't forget Asterix and Obelix!

>Francois Bruntz
>Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)


"Understanding is a three edged sword."

Received on Wed Dec 03 1997 - 15:15:49 UTC

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