RE: [Epic] Nasty Blast markers and the "!" order. reply from originator
snip had a det of 6
> " whirlwinds " , snip I put this det on the "!" order so I
> could preform a prepatory bombardment.
Whoa!!!! IS it my lack of true knowledge of the rules, or did I just
look over the "barrage weapons could prep. bombardment" this
Matthew Weyna
[L. Brian Hayes] Mr. Weyna, If you would have taken the time to read my
complete post instead of trying to halt the horse you must have been riding
(from the "Whoa!!!!") comment you might have noticed that I did specify
"whirlwinds" as the part of the detachment in question that was going to
prep fire. Since I do live in the U.S. I have the AMERICAN ENGLISH version
of Epic 40,000. I don't think the two versions are that much different. On
page 23 of the Armies Book that I have, it clearly states that a Adeptus
Astartes (Space Marine) Whirlwinds the special ability of ARTILLERY!
Further reading does show that in the Rule Book page 36 under ARTILLERY it
plainly states "Artillery units are also capable of making a special
preparatory bombardment attack."
I do apologize to the list for even replying to such a weak, and pathetic
attempt at flame. I was under the understanding that this list was for
gamers who enjoyed the various flavors of the Epic game to help each other,
ask questions, answer questions, and generally discuss this cool game. I've
always been told "the only stupid question is one not asked". We were all
newbies at one time or the other.
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Received on Thu Dec 04 1997 - 04:49:12 UTC
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