Re: [Epic] Titan Weapons

From: Andy Skinner <askinner_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 07:53:28 -0500

> Cyclone Missile Launcher
> - carapace mounted only
> - one shot only
> - unlimited range
> - 1D6+1 mega-cannon templates on target (i.e. place 1D6+1 barrage
> templates on target detachment all in contact with at least another one
> and treat each template as if it was a mega-cannon shot).

Whew! That's a lot. I agree with those who say that this would be
better as a barrage or heavy barrage per template. It's benefit over
a regular MRL should be negated by being one shot. I guess the
(toned-down) vortex missile is d6 barrages of anti-tank shots, all
forced to overlap, and this is d6 barrages of either firepower or
armor rolls (depends on whether it is heavy barrage or megacannon).
I don't think it ought to be megacannon, purely because of the
blast marker side effects. I think, to try to make it equivalent
to a vortex missile in worth, trading the ability to hit more targets
(by not overlapping the barrages, as opposed to the implied overlapping
of vortex missile) for using firepower hits instead of anti-tank shots
seems about right to me. I think that either of these (vortex missile
or cyclone/barrage missile) gets benefits that are not negated by
being one shot or limited to carapace.

> New Belly Gun
> - it may fire still as a mega-cannon, or ball round
> - when shooting a ball round the range is 45cm. Choose a target point -
> that is where it is going to land - then roll 3D6cm and the ball moves
> that distance in the direction it was fired.
> - treat any hit along the way as a Death-Ray
> - if the ball hits a War Engine, it knocks down all of its remaining
> shields and rolls on the Damage Table with a +2 modifier

While I'm not that taken with the special effects of the old belly
gun, it certainly used to have a lot more kick than a megacannon.
I'd like to be able to use it as either a death ray or a megacannon,
to reflect the choice of ammunition from the old game. But it still
can only knock down one shield.

I do think it is a shame that the barrage weapons don't have a chance
to do multiple hits to a large target. But I wouldn't change it. Of
course, the vortex missile can.


Andy Skinner
Received on Thu Dec 04 1997 - 12:53:28 UTC

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