Re: [Epic] Necrons (Off topic)

From: Peter <peter_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 16:19:06 -0500 (EST)

>>> Scarabs! I take it everyone knows what they are?
>>I have no idea what they are. Thanks if you can tell me.
>In proximity to Necrons, technological items fail. The Scarabs are very
>fast and very tough. They rush forward and buy time for the other troops of
>the Necron army to get into weapon range. The enemy has the dilemma of
>either firing at the advancing Necrons, with all their weapons
>malfunctioning, or try to destroy the Scarabs instead, allowing the Necrons
>to close the range without being fired on. Since Necrons and Scarabs
>regenerate, a lot of fire needs to be diverted to destroying the Scarabs!
>According to GW, Necrons aren't too destructive ('about the same as Marines'
>!), but are extremely difficult to kill - they keep getting back up!
>New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
        REGENERATE!!! sounds like a new army to collect thats...mrmrmrmrmrmrm
        mrmrmrmrmrmrmr.....7 armies now
        (the next 5 haven't totaly gotten of the ground yet)

        Peter High..."Ahh forget this time!" "Okay!"
        <sounds of a power armoured teen going to the Jonn after sending an
Received on Fri Dec 05 1997 - 21:19:06 UTC

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