>> snowballsnowballsnowball
>> snowballsnowball
>> Splashh!
>> Gotcha!
>> It's the first snowball fight of the season. Consider yourself hit.
>> You are now involved in an e-mail snowball fight. Send this to all
>> your friends and relatives. Have fun with it. Remember in an online
>> snowball fight no one gets hurt and no one gets cold and soaking wet.
>> So nail your friends before they nail you!!!
>Remember not to sent it to the list again. We've all got it now!
>Have a nice winter. Curse those bikini-boyz down-under!
Yeah - curse us bikini boys down here...
Actually, I figure you already have - 40 degrees C (that's about 100 F to
you folks with Impirial measure) isn't anywhere near as pleasant as a
snowball fight would be :-(
From "COZIARIS CHRIS 1245 (towreq)"
<coziaris_at_...> Mon Dec 9 09:54:00 1997
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From: "COZIARIS CHRIS 1245 (towreq)"
To: owner-space-marine <owner-space-marine_at_...>,
Subject: [Epic] NETEPIC Downloads
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 09:54:00 +0200
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I have been desparately trying to dnload these two attachements
from the netepic site
http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/3443/index.html) for the
last month. It seems impossible.
Could anyone please sent them to my personal e-mail ?
I would apreciate that.
Please feel free to contact me off the list - personally.
Christos Coziaris
Received on Tue Dec 09 1997 - 07:48:09 UTC