RE: [Epic] Final Liberation - help needed

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 08:30:17 -0600

>> Does anybody know how to incorporate the knights paladin and impertor
>> titan in the quick battle
>I've gone through the entire game in campaign mode, and I havn't seen
>either of these units. As far as i can tell, they're not in the game.
>Although, i have seen screen shots with knights clearly visible in them.
---------> The knights were in the Beta-test, and were supposedly
removed, but there is a cheat code to bring them in. Hadn't heard about
the Impy, though. Anyone know what that one is?

Chris Miller
Received on Fri Dec 19 1997 - 14:30:17 UTC

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