Re: [Epic] Warlock Titan weapons

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 23:57:43 -0500 (EST)

At 10:55 PM 2/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Excerpts from Epic: 11-Feb-97 Re: [Epic] Warlock Titan we.. by Spatula_at_...
>> 6cm coherency doesn't guarantee that at all. Players who
>> are willing to take the extra time and have the space to do it can
>> space models exactly 6cm apart, guaranteeing that you'll be able to
>> cover exactly one. Of course the Pulsar has a 100cm range, while
>> the powerfist only goes 25cm...
> I don't follow. If they are exactly 6cm apart, you'll be able to
>cover exactly half of each of the models.

This becomes an interesting subject should unit be 6cm from the middle of
the base or from the edge?

You know what, I'm an American. Do you know what that means? My Forefathers
got kicked out of every decent country in the world.
Received on Wed Feb 12 1997 - 04:57:43 UTC

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