Salutations Liquid,
Tu as �crit :
> Merry Christmas to all Space Marine/ Epic players of the world.
Thank you and Joyeux No�l to you!
>this time of celebrating I have yet another newbie question. Please
>let me
>know if these begin to annoy any of you.
This mailing list exists for that. Don't be sorry. ;)
> I am paticipating in a bidding war (auction) for a huge number of
>and some are already painted in the colors of established chapters.
>of ruining another person's possibly good work, is it possible to use
>making my chapter a type of "expansion Chapter" ?
OK, I see your problem and had the same when I created my Chaos army :
the Loups Sombres.
I've already got a Chapter called the Iron Wolves : they have a long
history and during one campaign, a whole Iron Wolf company betrayed the
Emperor to become the Loups Sombres, the sworn ennemies of the Chapter.
The Loups Sombres are a particular Chaos Space Marine band as they kept
an imperial organisation : they do have Devastators and Assault Marines,
etc... In fact, if the Loups Sombres will be sometime helped by daemons
and daemon engines, there will never be a daemon engine in a Loup Sombre
detachment, they want to keep a relative independance from the dark
divinities of the Warp. To represent this, the main Loup Sombre forces
are imperial figs from Epic Space Marine (the SM with the old amor) and
only few of the units are represented by Chaos Space Marine figs : in
general, the Loups Sombres have not been *physically*
corrupted by the Chaos.
When I began to paint my Chaos Space Marines, I realized that they
looked pretty nice and that it was a shame to only use them in a Chaos
army. As my main army is my Iron Wolf one, I decided to create a special
detachment : the Force Sombre. In the Iron Wolf history, the Force
Sombre was created to hunt the Loups Sombres and its members painted
their armour in the same colors than their enemies in order to show what
was their main objective.
This is a way to use your new figs. I hope that it has helped you.
If you want to have more details, check my Iron Wolves page at :
Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)
Lord's Home Page
Space Marine and Epic 40k
Last Update : 12/18/97
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Received on Tue Dec 23 1997 - 09:01:16 UTC