Re: [Epic] off topic: Why so ticked?

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 13:22:03 -0500


> There are more rantings that I can writing down but I'm getting
> again with GW and dont want to resort to some of the bad language that
> shouting at this minute and put it into words!!!

I have to say, been there done that and it ain't worth it to get
yourself all worked up. GW ain't as evil as they can sometimes seem and
just because they're misguided fools doesn't mean it should ruin our
hobby. GW does finally seem to be heading back to 'old days' with the
new regiment box - this is supposed to be the tip of a general quiet
reduction in price (due to an unheard of fall in profits).

Companies go through growth phases, and I can't think of a single one
that didn't get greedy when things started going well. Heartbreaker is
going down the same road that GW already travelled, mark my words (and
they are far from 1/10th the price and never were - plus their new
miniatures if anything are more caricaturish than GW's). GW seems to
have found the limits of the market's tolerance, I hope we will now see
a healthy rebound of the price increases and a rediscovery of 'value'
for the dollar/pound.


- Erik
Received on Thu Dec 25 1997 - 18:22:03 UTC

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