Re: [Epic] off topic: Why so ticked?

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 23:11:11 -0700

harley d graves wrote:
> im not real sure but i think that the reason that epic40k is under
> attack so badly is that the old mins are not real usefull in the new
> rules.
> you can use the old bases with the new ones of infantry but it
> seems to create a sorta visual snafu.
> i personaly like the asthetics some of the old mins not the
> infantry but the titans. and so use them with with impunity.
> all of the ig tanks have been changed (for the better.)
> and many of the ork vehicles have not changed at all and cost more
> that is formerly $6.95us for 3 mekboy speedstas with one some weapon or
> anouther (note: weapons were all of one type) now it's (i think) $9.95us
> for two mecboy speedas randomly packed with weapons speedstas are very
> powerfull in the new rules.
> i use the old falcons and the new together (a sorta design
> inovation)
> all things conciderd as far as the new boxes of infantry are
> concerend they cost less and have a more diverse assortment of units
> the old boxes could be very bothersome if you where building ONE
> army on your own. the stompa box is a good example it had ig dreads(no
> longer usefull) chaos units and was the only? source for marine
> terminators so if you wanted stompas you had to get a $15.00us box with
> 3 stompas and a large assortment of (to the ork player) usless mins
> what this lead to was most epicsm players tended to build slowly
> 3-4 different armys
> now that got expensive at least the cost of building 2 armys in
> the new epic. but any way i digress.
> truely the expense of the gw hobby is very high but how many of
> you have looked into the hobbys of World War 2 reinacting or Ameican
> civl war reinacting each of which can easy cost athousand dollers or
> more i have friends that reinact that have spent $1200.00us on just
> their feild gear. and vehicles...whew!
> GW produces a good product at a more or less reasonable price
> and as a artisan and crafter by trade i support the arts where ever i
> find them... and i must say that Citadel mins are a form of art in them
> selfs.
> thanx for your time
> Harley D GravesYeah, but those hobbies are specific to people who have more money and
time than brains. There are lots of other miniature compainies that make
a superior product for a cheaper price ( and more that make crap for a
cheaper price), and its getting difficult to find players for some of
their games now. You have to spend as much for an epic army now as you
do for a fantasy army. Sure, the quality of the miniatures has gone up,
butthe infantry and basic vehicles are the same, and their prices
doubled (or more) with the new set.

If you want to see really high quality miniatures, snag some Reaper
miniatures. They cost half as much as GW's, and are far superior in
modeling. The ne Chronopia miniatures are also as good as GW's, and
cheaper. There is an East Coast line of 40K style miniatures which
rivals GW at half the cost.

I don't believe they offer a fair price for their product, especially
when they will artificially obsolete half of the models in three years
when the next Epic game system comes out ....

Received on Fri Dec 26 1997 - 06:11:11 UTC

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