[Epic] Netwide Epic Campaign

From: Seth A Ben-Ezra <azathoth3_at_...>
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 14:45:49 EST

Hello all. I would like to extend an invitation to all on this list to
participate in a worldwide (at least in theory) Epic campaign. The
setting is the world of Chorazin IV, where Imperial Guard troops, swayed
by the dark forces of Chaos, have mutinied and are crushing the loyal
forces of the Imperium. Reinforcements are on the way, but will they be
too late?

Sound interesting? The concept is simple: play a game, submit the
results, and see your battle affect the events in the campaign. If you
would be interested in participating, just drop me a line at
azathoth3_at_... or take a look at the official web page at
www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1353/necampaign.html. There is no charge
for this event; this is purely for fun. One note: battles must be fought
either using 2nd edition rules or the new Net Epic rules. This is NOT an
Epic 40K event. I am not trying to offend anyone by saying this, nor am
I trying to taunt anyone. I am just trying to reach as many players as
possible. I hope to hear from many of you soon.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf
Chorazin IV Campaign Coordinator
Received on Sat Jan 03 1998 - 19:45:49 UTC

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