RE: [Epic] blast markers & morale

From: Snyder, Roy B <roy.snyder_at_...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 16:33:17 -0500

I completely agree. In the last two games I have used the adeptus
lists in CJ#21 (where the hydra is in the main force list). I created
a anti-aircraft battery that includes 3 hydras, 3 robots, and a knight
in command. With a few of these on the board, and holding a few dets
in reserve, I effectively grouned his airforce on intercept orders
(anticipating flyers to enter) for 5 turns! Another bonus is, that
when they are put on flack orders, the rest of the forces that would
normally be included are not bogged down with the presence of the
So, just by the independent hydras sitting in small groups on the
field in strategic areas, was none the less quite intimidating.
The small det does well when assaulted, having three robots, and a
knight incase there jumped.


From: J. Michael Looney[SMTP:mlooney_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 1998 12:09 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] blast markers & morale

Dirk Vormann wrote:

> > The only good use for flak is defending artillery;
> True. You declare special (flak) orders before the flyers enter the
> so you have no idea where they will attack, and then the flak unit
> shoot at all. At least they threaten flyers away if they cannot

Back in my active duty days as an Air Defender, it was pointed out,
 more or
less all the time, that the mission of Air Defense was to protect the
not to shoot down aircraft. If your actions, as an Air Defense unit,
the tartget to be not attacked, or to be attacked with less than the
force that the enemy would have attacked with them if you had not been
you did your mission.

I know that gamers ( and those playing GW games are even worse ) have
a hard
time with the idea that killing every thing on the other side of the
table is
not the only way to win a game, or that if a given unit doesn't "kill"
x value
of enemy units it's worthless.
Received on Wed Jan 07 1998 - 21:33:17 UTC

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