RE: [Epic] blast markers & morale

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 15:10:01 +1030

Greetings all,

could someone please explain to me why I have to take shit from this
loudmouth ???

I thought I was being polite to him, but it seems he has rather a large
chip on his shoulder. Is there anyway to do something about it ??? I think
Sauron knows what I mean.

Thane, whatever happened to manners and consideration ??? The person you
claimed 'played with himself' is one of the more respected members of list
with close ties to the Australian wargames fraternity and works for the
Australian Defense Force in a teaching capacity. If you are joking when
talking about someone then please indicate so. If you are not joking then
keep it to your god damned self.

I will ask you again. Be polite and pull your head in.

If you wish to continue this then take it to private E-mail.

BTW ... don't be such a smart ass about peoples .sigs

Chris Pinson wrote:
> Thane,
> Just a friendly reminder, this list is intended to be a polite forum for
> discussing the game. If you have personal observations to make about
> then please keep them to yourself. I do not wish to read my mail tomorrow
> only to find myself in the middle of another flame war. I realise you go
> to say that he has made an excellent observation but your first statement
> is unacceptable.
> Thank you.
> Chris,
Your absolutely right. Bite me.


And clean up all that crap at the end of your messages.

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Received on Thu Jan 08 1998 - 04:40:01 UTC

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