From: Richard Bright <r.bright_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 12:32:16 +1300

At 09:23 AM 1/9/98 +0930, Alun wrote:
>If it is for Chaos Epic 40K then no objections, but if it is for Chaos
>Warhammer 40K (even if it has got a little bit of titans thrown in to make
>it Epicy ?) then put it on the 40K mailing list.

Holy cow, a voice of sanity on this list! I agree completely. When a
purpose-built alternative list is available one should use it rather than
pester people who by definition want to discuss something else. As I have
already made plain, I also getted bugged by people who conduct aimless
conversations which:
a) could be done directly and not through the list
b) could be resolved simply by seeking answers from logical and easily
contacted sources. eg GW can tell you what their (exorbitant) prices are!

>Somepeople take offence at comments like that especially from people the
>don't know.

Actually Alun that doesn't bug me. A bit of healthy aggro can be good for
the soul. Ya girl's blouse! ;-)


Richard Bright
IT Education & Liaison Coordinator
Information Technology Systems & Services

The University of Auckland Ph: 64 9 373 7599 ext 6787
Private Bag 92019 Mobile: 025 280 6836
Auckland Fax: 64 9 373 7016
New Zealand Email: r.bright_at_...
Received on Thu Jan 08 1998 - 23:32:16 UTC

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