I had no idea that Jay Leno's chin had such magical powers. wrote:
> Hello:
> All this discussion about basing and discussion has got me thinking. I
> am in the process of repainting the vehicles in my Eldar army (I'm using
> WHITE primer this time.) and I've decided to use the metal wargaming
> bases for all my grav-tank minis. I glued a thumb tack to the base and
> mounted the mini on the top of the tack to give it a "floating" effect.
> Because I'm now using a metallic base, I plan buying some magnetic
> material (the kind they make flexible fridge magnets out of) from a
> local paint store. I plan on lining the bottom of a tupperware
> container with the flexible magnets and using it as a method of safely
> storing and transporting my Epic minis.
> Right now I'm trying to find something that I could glue to the bottom
> of my infantry bases to achieve a similar effect. It has to be cheap
> and small enough to hide under the base.
> --
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
> "In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would
> weep,
> they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones and then
> throw
> themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself.
> Never
> surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could
> help
> but be moved to tears by their courage... Their stubborn nobility. When
> they
> ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used
> knives
> and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent."
> -Emperor Londo Mollari
> Re: Humanity and the Earth/Minbari War.
> "Babylon 5: In the Begining."
> E-MAIL: cthulhu_at_... WWW: http://www.uwm.edu/~cthulhu
> =========================================================================
I took apart a set of cloth wrist weights to get the little metal bits
out. Turns out these are ferrous, so maybe something like this glued to
the base would work. People will put anything in weight now, so its hard
to tell what you will be getting from the outside. The name on the
weights is "SoftWORKS". I would have never known the treaure inside if
my dog hadn't chewed a hole in one.
I used them as part of some junk piles. The company I work for demils
ordnance (among other things), so i took a bunch of fuse timer bits.
Makes really cool industrial junk.
Received on Fri Jan 09 1998 - 01:56:29 UTC