On January 19, 1998 6:23 AM, Dirk Vormann
[SMTP:DVormann_at_...-duisburg.de] wrote:
> 1)Distortion Cannon against immobilised WE:
> Does the immobilised WE have a speed of 0 (automatic hit) or is the
> of hitting unchanged for immobilisation?
> 2)WE with transport ability:
> wrecked WE: transported inf gets 50% chance as normal
> destroyed WE: infantry killed automatically or normal 50% chance?
> DV
> (Bug [tm]- Registered Trademark of (M)ultiple (S)klerose)
Ass for the Distortion Cannon, a 1 is an automatic miss, so I would think
it would become a Death Ray, hitting on 2+ causing a Critical on war
Cyril Crocker
Dragon Slayer
Received on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 17:43:51 UTC