[Epic] Pulsars and other ravings

From: Michael & Catherine Goh <cmgoh_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 10:27:13 +0800

I think this topic might have come up before regarding pulsars being
compared to heavy weapon batteries (turbo laser destructors etc...) and
blast markers stopping them from firing. I just don't see how a turbo laser
destructor with two barrels makes it harder to stop it from firing than a
Pulsar (not the heat lance or psychic lance variety) which fires a volley of
shots but can be stopped with just one blast marker.

Another thought - I think that the embarking/disembarking from vehicles
should be such that it costs 5cm to embark/disembark and the units are
reduced to a proportion of their movement allowance based on the greatest
proportion of either units movement. When you can charge a unit on the
other side of the table it seems a bit ridiculous.

Yet another thought - does anyone else remember the good old days when
titans could stomp on infantry (and similar) units costing 2cm of their
movement. I remember having half a dozen or so knights and charging through
a mass of infantry stomping on some of them before discharging shock lances
into the artillery.

Does anyone have rules for helicopter gunships for Imperial Guard? - my
friend would like to have them and I don't want to do them myself. I think
he should just go Eldar and take falcons.

Just a thought - are flak attacks subject to blast markers? If so then the
fire prism is rather useless.

Nuff said

Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 02:27:13 UTC

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