Re: [Epic] Net Epic: First Fire & Command Units

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 09:15:14 -0600

At 03:18 PM 2/13/97 +0200, you wrote:

>How about modifying the rule to read as something like:
>"A command unit cannot be shot at if there are closer targets to the
>shooting unit that are damagable by the shooting weapon".
>S. Birol Akmeric

We always used a house rule that only models of the same class (i.e.
infantry, vehicles, shv) screened command units. So if your Warlock is the
only troop stand next to that detachment of falcons, Oh ,well. If you need
rationale, then just say that the commander, being of a different class,
stands out. The rationale behind not allowing fire at command units was
that you couldn't pick them out under normal circumstances. I think you
would be able to in this situation.

We also used a rule that you could "walk" fire onto a command unit. If the
commander was mixed in with troops and you had multiple shots, an
appropriate portion of the shots could be assigned to the command unit. So
if a superheavy company was lined up across from a titan with a plasma
destructor (is that the one with four shots?) the titan could fire one shot
at each tank with the remainder being assigned to a non-command unit. This
gave command units a chance to be killed from "random" fire without letting
them be singled out.

Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 15:15:14 UTC

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