[Epic] Net Epic: First Fire & Command Units

From: nethol <nethol_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 15:18:10 +0200

As the rules go you cannot shoot at a command unit unless it is not the
closest unit to you. This rule sometimes creates very illogical situations
where the weapon you fire is incapable of damaging the closer units. A
command unit walking besides a SHV or strolling between troops dug-in in
fortifications, in spite of being the most (perhaps only) eligible unit
within LOS, is safe from infantry fire. This is especially frustrating in
cases like 2 tech-marines and 3 shadow swords "protect" each other.

How about modifying the rule to read as something like:
"A command unit cannot be shot at if there are closer targets to the
shooting unit that are damagable by the shooting weapon".

S. Birol Akmeric

Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 13:18:10 UTC

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