RE: [Epic] Cheddar & Edam

From: Carl Woodrow <carl.woodrow_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:22:07 -0000

Hmmm...I think that this a bit of a shame really as adding just one Marines=
 detachment kind of fits their image as Elite troops (and hence fewer in nu=
mber) of the Imperium. Most of my mixed IG/SM army makeups have a lot fewer=
 (25 percent ot less) Marines to Guard simply because it looks in keeping w=
ith the Imperial fluff.

However, saying that, the point about strategy rat=
ing is well taken....I'll have to think about this a bit :(

Alun, your sug=
gestion could be a good work around for this.


Carl Woodrow
yphonne IV Gene-seed

Original Message-----
From: Thane Morgan [SMTP:thane_at_...]
Sent: Frida=
y, January 30, 1998 2:16 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic]=
 Cheddar & Edam

Alun Gallie wrote:
> Still on the cheese subject but a =
little off track. One thing that bugs me
> in a way is the strategy rating =
for Imperial.
> Marines get 5. Impy Gaurd and Titan Legions get 2. Mix in m=
arines and this
> jumps to 4 (a loss of only 1 to marines an increase in 2 =
to gaurd) I have
> seen and read about 2500 pt armys that contain 1 small d=
etachment of marine
> bikes to get 4 Strategy. Talking to Chris (who is not=
 guilty of this cheesy
> practice) about this we have discussed it and sugg=
ested the following.
> All marine army = 5
> All Imperial Gaurd/Titan ==
> Mixed (over 50% Marine) = 4
> Mixed (over 50% IG/Titans) = 3
> Jus=
t a suggestion.
> Cheers
> Alun

Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 18:22:07 UTC

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