Re: [Epic] Komputer Klutter

From: Larry Irish <wirish1_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 17:14:53 -0500

> What the heck does everybody do with all the floppies CD,s pens cables,
>paperwork that you just have to keep handy and just plain junk you
>accumulate around a family computer station? I have a shredder and the desk
>is a two file cabinet base already.
>Buy a steel filing cabinet and toss it all in?

Heh - I recently aquired a DEC mini-computer case - 4' high x 2' wide x 4'
tall, on casters. I consolidated most of my computer clutter into it and
use it for a printer stand. Of course, now it's full and stuff is beginning
to form piles on/around it....

<sigh> Where does all this stuff _come_ from?? :)

Received on Sat Jan 31 1998 - 22:14:53 UTC

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