[Epic] Tyranid army for sale

From: Sutherland <charles_at_...>
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 15:35:53 -0600

At a local hobby store there is a used tyranid army for sale. Most of the
army is painted to a tolerable level. I dont remember what exactly was in
there but this is a close list.

        Dominatrix, Hierodule(maybe 2), 5 tyranid swarm boxes worth of stuff, 5
carnifex, 5 psychers, and a bunch of assault spawn. There is quite a bit
of stuff. It fills one of those long card boxes full. They want $120 for
the whole thing. If anyone is interested I could get the actual list of
stuff and report back.

                                                                        That Chuk Guy

PS they have a lot of used epic stuff for sale. just not any eldar :(
Received on Sun Feb 01 1998 - 21:35:53 UTC

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