RE: [Epic] (EPIC:40K) 1000 pt Space Marine Army For Review

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:42:25 -0600

> Greetings!
> I am new to this list as well as new to Epic, so I am asking the
> suscribers their thoughts on my 1000 point "core" force.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
------> Welcome!

> The Battle Born Legion (997 points)
-------> Uh oh - I think I know where this came from...did you also make
the Guardians of Sol ?
: )
> (The following army was created using the space marine rules as
> detailed in WD #210. Points for the army have been modified to
> reflect the bonus.)
> The Battle Born Legion is reknown for their ferocity in close combat.
> and any unit with the Battle Born ability adds +1 to its assault value
> (this can be combined with Assault for a total bonus of +2). Note
> that you add this +1 to their Assault value after doubling for the
> Hero ability or halving for Heavy Weapons, not before.
------> Just as a note, you'll probably find many of the list members
look down on special rules like this for various reasons - some find it
cheesy, some see it as a "regression" to the problems of the last
edition of Epic - special rules for everyone and every unit. Doesn't
neccessarily affect you, but be forewarned...

> This rule only applies to Battle Born Infantry and Bikes, Assaut Bikes
> and Land Speeders. Battle Born armored vehicles, including
> Dreadnaughts, gain no additional benefit.
> Force Nygren (311 points)
> 1 x Captain w/Rhino*
> 1 x Librarian w/Rhino
> 2 x Terminator Squad (1 unit ea) w/Land Raider
> 2 x Whirlwind
> 2 x Land Speeder
------> Not too bad, but if these guys are more defensive you might want
to transfer the speeders to another unit, and if offensive, you might
want more things that shoot.

> Force Olafsen and Force Bjornsen (686 points, 343 points each)
> 3 x Tactical Squad (2 units ea) w/Rhino*
> 1 x Devastator Squad (1 unit ea) w/Rhino
> 1 x Assault Squad (2 units ea) w/Rhino
> 2 x Land Speeder
> 2 x Land Raider
> 1 x Land Speeder
> * HQ unit
-------> The Devastators might be better with the first unit, while
their speeders might do better here, then you have a long range shooter
unit with termies to defend it, and a speedier attack force which can
also go hand to hand.

Neither of these is bad. We've found that different units do a little
better if they are more specialized for their mission - keep the longer
ranged slow guys in one unit, the speedier stuff in another, etc. If you
intend for a given unit to get into CC always give them a psyker.
Considering the assault bonus your guys have (if you use that rule) a
unit with nothing but tac marines is flexible enough to use in CC also,
so you may want to concentrate the assault troops into one force, add a
captain and a psyker, and consider using drops pods or a T-hawk, and use
this as your "hammer".

Just some thoughts
Chris Miller
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 15:42:25 UTC

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