RE: [Epic] Necrons

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:47:45 -0600

> Word on the Squats is that they have their new "character hook". The
> Squats
> are not as we had all suppposed Homo Sapiens Rotundus, but are in fact
> Tyranid Hunters from Another Galaxy (gasp, shock, etc., etc.). This
> will
> probably mean a release late this year or early next (in 40k) anyway
> to
> coincide with the new WH40K box.
> Cheers,
> Colin
---------> Well, allright! - this is a pretty cool angle. I'm sure it
will completely trash all the older concepts, assumptions, etc we've
built up over about the last 9 years, but...maybe they'll publish
"Imperial Squats" as a small section in the back of the codex, kinda
like the quasi-accepted chaos cult armies in the back of the Chaos
codex, which are shunned in WH40K, but work fine in E40K.

Wonder if this means we'll see "nids and squats in the WH40K 3rd ed
(not too thrilled at the thought of this, but then I never thought we'd
see Brets & Lizardmen in the fantasy box either...)

Now all we have to worry about are those bloody Necrons...

Chris Miller
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 15:47:45 UTC

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