RE: Squat Army WAS Re: [Epic] Knights(Lil' bit off topic)

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 12:03:29 -0600

> All in all, this story makes me very glad that, when I was playing
> more,
> I always took at least one infantry company, sometimes two. (And once
> three, come to think of it.) Similarly, once I got the Termites
> painted
> up, I usually fielded them, and they actually did all right... well,
> pretty much. Still, I tried to field a mixed force instead of
> concentrating on heavy arty and the Guild Bikers, despite what people
> kept telling me to do. And, in spite of a 50/50 record, it was a heck
> of a lot of fun, in all cases.
        ----------> And that really is the point, ain't it. Too many
people here ( and other places) are often a little too focussed on
getting the win rather than enjoying themselves. You can certainly enjoy
winning, but can you enjoy the game when you lose? If not, maybe it's
time to take a deep breath and adjust a bit. It is a game, and your not
going to win any money playing it, and aren't going to get drafted by
the Epic League to turn pro. Relax. There's lots of other things to
stress on...

> So, basically, I'm encouraging people -- not just Squats -- to get out
> &
> try the lesser-used units in your army lists. When I mentioned to
> people that I used Termites, they tended to laugh, or look at me like
> I
> was crazy. Still, they're a lot of fun, and even if they don't always
> show up where you want them to they can still be pretty effective --
> not
> to mention what can happen if they *do* show up where you want them
> to.
> (I seem to recall my Termites and Berserkers chasing after Andy
> Skinner's Whirlwinds in one battle... we came up from behind 'em, and
> the next turn they ran away, preventing him from firing at me. Good
> stuff! ^_^ )
> So, there 'tis.
> Aaron Teske
> Mithramuse+_at_...
---------> The whole reason to me to play Orks in any GW game - they're
just goofy fun. Of course we can't _all_ play orks...

Chris Miller
Received on Thu Feb 05 1998 - 18:03:29 UTC

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