Thane Morgan wrote:
> > > Maybe it also covers smoke and blast effects
> > > screwing up your targeting ability for vehicles - great, I like the way
> > > it works for them.
> >
> > Wouldn't the above justification for BMs affecting
> > vehicles also cover their ability to affect WEs?
> But a war engine would have the best targeting systems and the most
> stable weapon mounts around.
Well, we can argue fluff till the squigs come home...
> > > Again, I like Blast Markers and what they do, on everything
> > > except SHW's. I didn't like the initial ruling, and I didn't like the
> > > alternative (which the uninformed often play, I find locally) where BM's
> > > do _nothing_ to SHW's,
> >
> > Wow. Lemme guess - lots of Land Raiders and arty on the
> > board?
> Don't be a putz. It's an inspired solution,
Totally ignoring the effect of BMs on SHWs is an inspired
solution? Because that's what I was replying to.
> (sorry, it's late and I'm irratable)
It's early and I haven't had my morning tea yet...
Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"Omigod! The dead have risen and they're voting Republican!" - the
Received on Fri Feb 06 1998 - 12:54:47 UTC