Carl Billen wrote:
> Someone wrote :
> >> If that is the Article in WD with the charts layout sheets and
> paper
> >> counters to copy and cut out,I could scan and post to anyone
> interested.
> In my stuff at home I have something like that for Orks, Space Marines
> &
> Squats. On one of the pages there was a reference to an Imperial
> Guard
> list. Does anyone have that copy of the Imperial Guard
> counters/layout, and
> other races if they ever appeared (Eldar/Chaos/'Nids). If you could
> scan
> those, I would be very grateful !
For the record, all of the "Epic 30K / Age of Horus" stuff on my page is
based on those WD issues.
I have already gone over them and made them into E40K/E41K army lists.
Next on my hit list is the orks and Chaos. Eldar, well, they are so
limited in 1st ed I may or may not do them at all, and of course the
'Nids don't exist yet.
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
Version: 3.1
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Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 14:52:18 UTC