Re: Squat Army WAS Re: [Epic] Knights(Lil' bit off topic)

From: Los <los_at_...>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 17:59:32 -0500

J. Michael Looney wrote:

> NetEpic is based on SM/TL and has zilch to do with Epic 40K. If you
> don't belive me, just ask Peter. For a while I was on the NetEpic

I believe you to a degree having read both sets of rules. I also notice that
in Epic 40K they took away the range advantage that teh Sapce mariens have.
Now both have a range of 30cm.

> mailing list, but after having my head handed back to me when I
> corrected Peter on his statment that "No one else is doing any thing
> with Epic" by brining up the Epic 41K stuff, as well as the general list
> traffic, well I drop out.

So are we not supposed to discuss netepic here?Los
Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 22:59:32 UTC

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